The KILLER QUEEN Chug Challenge
This is the FIRST EVER hot sauce to feature the UK Chilli Queen! Shahina has been a huge inspiration to us and many Chilli Heads with her competitive chilli eating exploits and now it is the Queen herself who features on our first ever official ‘League Of Fire Presents’ range of Chug Challenges!
Expertly created by The Chilli Project, this chug challenge has been fermenting for 5 months! Yes this is 5 months in the making! The Chilli Project are a family run company from Surrey, UK and have been creating gourmet chilli products for over 8 years! We are delighted and honoured to partner with them!
- Made with 50% Carolina Reaper mash & blistering 9 Million SHU Extract
Check out the KILLER QUEEN Chug Challenge League Table.
- Kenny ‘Never Die’ Lamoureux – 5 Bottles