20 Dec 2019 - Written By


This is a new League Of Fire League Table Challenge. The 5th League Table so far to appear on our website.

Put simply, an entrant endeavours to chug as many bottles of L.O.F. Chug Challenge as they possibly can in one sitting without any food or other fluid!

You must find a way of displaying the time on camera during filming. Take photos of the funniest and most distorted faces and upload to social media using #chugface and tag us! You must be prepared for our L.O.F. team to take screen grabs from your videos for our social media. Please also take time to carefully read the disclaimers before taking the challenge.

If doing multiple chugs, you are allowed to mix and match the two chug methods outlined below.

LOF Shot Glass

The Rules:
Method One – The Hot Shots Chug Challenge
  • You must video your challenge without edits.
  • You must be seen opening the bottle seal.
  • Pour half the contents in a CLEAR glass. (Purchase an official L.O.F. Shot Glass as well and save £1.50 with coupon code “chugface“)
  • Chug the hot sauce from the glass.
  • Wait 3 minutes.
  • Pour the remainder of the hot sauce into the glass.
  • Chug the hot sauce from the glass until completely empty.
  • Wait 3 minutes.
  • You have completed the challenge!

Submit your achievement and WELCOME TO THE L.O.F.! You have gained 4 World Ranking points!


  • If you decide to stop after the burn time of 3 minutes following the first half of the chug, you earn 2 World Ranking points.
  • No points are awarded if the burn time of 3 minutes is not achieved after the first half of the chug.
  • Only 2 points are awarded if the burn time of 3 minutes is achieved after the first half of the chug but not achieved after the final chug.
Method Two – The Turbo Chug Challenge
  • You must video your challenge without edits.
  • You must be seen opening the bottle seal.
  • Chug the hot sauce from the bottle.
  • You must be seen to turn the bottle upside down and shake it to show it’s completely empty.
  • Wait 4 minutes.
  • You have completed the challenge!

Submit your achievement and WELCOME TO THE L.O.F.! You have gained 3 World Ranking points!


  • No points are awarded if the burn time of 4 minutes is not achieved.