The League Of Fire Belts

When we first came up with the idea of putting two renowned chilli-eating machines Johnny Scovile from USA and UK Chilli Queen in an inaugural World Title Chilli-Eating Belt Match in July 2019, at the Guildford Cheese & Chilli Festival, we had no idea how this new and first-of its-kind concept was going to take off and capture the fascination and hearts of the worldwide chilli community and help bring people from all parts of the chilli world together talking, forging bonds and friendships, as well as non-chilli-heads who have really gotten into this. We believed this World Title Belt Match could be an amazing innovation within the chilli community worldwide, and boy, were we right. Johnny Scoville vs. UK Chilli Queen in The Ultimate Chilli-Eating Showdown became a historic day for the League of Fire!

Our World Title Belt Matches follow the Guildford Cognoscenti Rules and will always be a duel. We would describe these World Title Belt Matches much the same as boxing matches. You have to go one-on-one through multiple rounds and then finish with a knockout round which is a race finale. They are extremely brutal and different from regular chilli-eating contests in that you are allowed to have a go at the World Belt only if you have won at least three regular chilli-eating contests previously and you will usually start where the regular contests end so for example, you may be given a plate of Scorpions or Reapers to start at round 1. All rounds will contain multiples upwards of 4 of each superhot as opposed to the usual contests where you are normally given one per round and maybe two or three in some rounds. There will be a tie-breaker speed round to decide the winner if both parties are still competing after 10 rounds.

The Inaugural World Title Chilli-Eating Belt Match between Johnny Scovile & UK Chilli Queen, Guildford, UK, July 2019

You end up in the region of 50 plus superhots consumed in each World Title Belt Match. The League of Fire World Title Belt is the pinnacle of being a chilli-head and is a coveted affair. We regard our World Title Belt Holder as World Champion.

Following the huge success of our World Belt – The Bird, we decided in 2021 to introduce 3 Regional Belts: The Americas Belt (Red Bird), The European Belt (Blue Bird), and the Oceania Belt (Green Bird). We did this so that we could be more inclusive and have more people involved who were desperate to eat chillies competitively and be recognised for it around the world.

In August 2024 we introduced the Intercontinental Belt (Silver Bird) and 2025 saw the launch of the Africa Belt. This was the new Green & Gold Bird with the Oceania region having their new belt – The All Black Bird.

World Title Belt
The Bird

Intercontinental Title Belt
Silver Bird

Americas Title Belt
Red Bird

European Title Belt
Blue Bird

Oceania Title Belt
All Black Bird

Africa Title Belt
Green & Gold Bird

The Regional Belt Title Matches do not have to follow the Guildford Cognoscenti Rules. They will never be a duel and there can be up to 10 contestants who are not required to have won a chilli-eating contest previously. These are brutal & extreme contests with multiple peppers in each round and a tie-breaker speed round should the need arise. The number of peppers consumed in these will be in the region of 20-30, mostly all of which will be superhots. They are less hardcore than our World Title duels.

In all of our Belt Matches, we have 2 disciplines. 1 is endurance and 2 is speed after endurance. All of our matches are held at well-known and popular festivals and we have many constraints such as stage time, audience engagement, etc., to consider and so we need to stick to a format that works for everybody. We do also have pod challenges that are just endurance for when time is not an issue.

Our Belt Match Posters are considered iconic and valued greatly. People featured in them regard it as an honour. These posters are created for every single World Title Belt Match and for all Regional Title Belt Matches where we know the contestants in advance. All World Title Belt Match Posters will also have a unique title linked somehow to either the contestants involved or place of battle. The Regional Belt Match Posters will always have the Festival at which they are taking place in the title.

The Vacating of the Belts Records

The World Belt was vacated by the UK Chilli Queen in January 2020 after 4 wins in order to keep the momentum going in another part of the world when chillies were in season. The Bird travelled from the UK to New Zealand where Justin Rummel won it in a battle with Chilli Fillie.

The World Belt was vacated by Justin Rummel now in Australia in September 2021 after 1 win due to being unable to travel to defend and the Bird travelled back to the UK where it was once again won by the UK Chilli Queen in a duel with Cameron Grennan.

The Americas Belt was vacated by Mike Jack in June 2022 after 1 win due to being unable to travel to defend the title. The Red Bird travelled from Canada to USA where Jayson Hairrell won it. Mike Jack subsequently reclaimed the Americas title but vacated the belt once again after becoming World Champion on 27th May 2023 in New Zealand.

World Title Belt (The Bird)
Champion Event Date
Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack Mike Jack vs Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto – The Big Bulgarian Bust-Up, Sofia Chilli Fest, Chilli Hills Farm, Bulgaria Sat 12th Oct 2024
Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack Mike Jack vs Stephen ‘Fiery Redd’ Curgan – Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Chilli-Heads, FeastyFest, Cheam Park, Surrey, UK Sat 7th Sep 2024
Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack Mike Jack vs Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto – The Prague Punisher, Chilli Fest a Asia Food Fest, Prague, Czechia Sat 7th Oct 2023
Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack Mike Jack vs Gregory Barlow – Lords Of The Stings, NZ Chilli Champs, NZ Sat 27th May 2023
Shahina ‘UK Chilli Queen’ Waseem (Vacated) UK Chilli Queen vs Arturo Renricca – The Italian Job, ChilliBobs East Midlands Chilli Fest, UK Sat 9th Jul 2022
Shahina ‘UK Chilli Queen’ Waseem UK Chilli Queen vs Cameron Grennan – The Scream In Cheam, FeastyFest, UK Sun 12th Sep 2021
Justin ‘The Thunder from Down Under’ Rummel (Vacated) Justin Rummel vs Jess ‘The Chilli Fillie’ – NZ Chilli Champs 2020, Auckland, NZ

Sat 25th Jan 2020

Shahina ‘UK Chilli Queen’ Waseem (Vacated) UK Chilli Queen vs Justin Rummel – Tyne Burner, Newcastle, UK

Sat 12th Oct 2019

Shahina ‘UK Chilli Queen’ Waseem UK Chilli Queen vs Johnny Scoville – – Ham, Belgium Sat 5th Oct 2019
Shahina ‘UK Chilli Queen’ Waseem (Draw) UK Chilli Queen vs Johnny Scoville – Kupros Craft & Tap House, Sacramento, CA Sat 21st Sep 2019
Shahina ‘UK Chilli Queen’ Waseem UK Chilli Queen vs Johnny Scoville – The Guildford Cheese & Chilli Festival, UK Sun 21st Jul 2019
The Intercontinental Belt (The Silver Bird)
Champion Event Date
Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto Fiera Mondiale del Peperoncino – Rieti, Italy Fri 30th Aug 2024


The Americas Belt (The Red Bird)
Champion Event Date
Kris (The Scoville Unit) Fragale Lake Erie Pepper Palooza, Erie, PA, USA Sat 13th Jul 2024
Kris (The Scoville Unit) Fragale West Coast Hot Sauce Experience, San Diego, California, USA Sun 18th Jun 2023
Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack (Vacated) ZestFest, Dallas, Texas, USA Sat 1st Oct 2022
Jayson ‘Batpants’ Hairrell West Coast Hot Sauce Experience, San Diego, California, USA Sat 18th Jun 2022
Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack (Vacated) Heating Up The Capital, Canada Sat 4th Sep 2021


The European Belt (The Blue Bird)
Champion Event Date
Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto Windsor Food & Chilli Festival – Datchet, UK Sat 29th Jun 2024
Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto Fiera Mondiale del Peperoncino – Rieti, Italy Sat 2nd Sep 2023
Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto Kabai Meteorit Chilli Eating Contest, Hungary Sat 13th Aug 2022
Arturo ‘Mr Spicy’ Rencricca European Belt Match – The Hell Contest, Spain Sun 31st Oct 2021
The Oceania Belt (The Green Bird)
Champion Event Date
Gabby ‘SPICY G’ Del Castillo NZ Chilli Eating Champs 2024 Sat 25th May 2024
Gabby ‘SPICY G’ Del Castillo NZ Chilli Eating Champs 2023 Sat 27th May 2023
Gregory ‘Iron Guts’ Barlow NZ Chilli Eating Champs 2022 Sat 24th Sep 2022
Jesse Painter NZ Chilli Eating Champs 2021 Sat 29th May 2021

The League Of Fire
World Chilli Eating Champion WCEC

The League Of Fire
Intercontinental Chilli Eating Champion WCEC