The L.O.F. Reaper Challenge RULES

Carolina Reapers grown by Devon Chilli Man

As at 11th November 2019.

This is a new League Of Fire League Table Challenge. The 4th League Table so far to appear on our website.

Put simply, an entrant endeavours to eat as many Carolina Reaper Peppers as they possibly can in one sitting without any food or fluid!

The Rules:

  1. The challenge must be videoed without any edits. Live-streams are acceptable but we reserve the right to reject an application if there is a lot of buffering due to poor internet connection. It is advised to always have back-up unedited video evidence also.
  2. The Carolina Reapers should be whole fresh red pods. Not dried, mixed with other peppers, or Reaper varieties, in a mash, cut or sliced, or in hot sauce, etc.
  3. There is NO AFTERBURN time for this challenge. As soon as a person announces they have finished, or words to that effect, or has food or fluid to help relieve the pain, the challenge is finished. If a person says they have finished, but changes their mind, they may continue as long as they have had no food or fluid. If a person vomits then the challenge is over and the number of Reapers eaten prior to this will be counted.
  4. The supplier of the peppers must be disclosed so we can confirm the credibility of the peppers and the grower/supplier.
  5. The speed of the challenge, from the first bite of the first pepper to the moment the contestant officially stops or has food/fluid, should be recorded as it could be used to judge who sits higher in the L.O.F. League Table should two or more people consume the same amount of peppers.
  6. The weight of the peppers (with the weight of the stalks subtracted afterwards) should also be recorded as this factor may separate two or more contestants in their respective league positions should those two or more contestants consume the same amount of chillies.
  7. The minimum number of peppers to qualify is 5. There will be a limit of 200 peppers. The L.O.F. will not acknowledge any challenge that goes beyond the 200 pepper limit. For example, If a contestant eats 205 peppers, we will record it as ‘200 pepper limit reached’. The L.O.F. do not want contestants to suffer possible injury from any challenge.
  8. If the challenge is not being undertaken at an official event, It is mandatory that at least 2 people known in the chilli community are present to ‘referee’ a L.O.F. Reaper Challenge. The two chilli community officials shall be present to witness the challenge from start to finish to authenticate as well as to ensure the safety of the person undertaking the challenge – these could be chilli growers, sauce producers, or any other well-regarded and responsible persons within the chilli community. This is to make sure that everything is done correctly, safely and responsibly. We don’t want people to go overboard and risk injury and so the point of having referees/witnesses there will also serve as a preventative measure alongside authenticity.
  9. It is also advised that a person is present who has first aid experience and has an understanding of the effects capsaicin has on the human body and therefore can be on hand to help and offer a remedy to the person doing the challenge if need be. The L.O.F. will not consider any application from the date of this rule-set from any person alone in a room with no other person present for safety reasons.
  10. To combat cheating in this challenge and to remove doubt of any camera trickery, a person should not do this challenge alone specifically or in the presence of just one or even two people who are friends and not known in the chilli community. Cheating in a contest of this nature is extremely unfair on other people who have done the challenge honestly. If anybody is caught cheating they may be banned from the L.O.F. completely.
  11. A L.O.F. Reaper Challenge will also qualify if it is undertaken at a public event or festival and officiated by the respective organiser. The presence of a public crowd whether small or large would suffice as witness to the challenge, as well as sufficient to ensure the safety of the person doing the challenge.
  12. It is advised that an applicant contacts us before they do the challenge with the details of when and where and if not at an official event then the names and credentials of the referees/witnesses who will be present must be provided so that we can check their prospective challenge will qualify for entry into the L.O.F. and check all the information supplied before sanctioning their challenge.
  13. League of Fire accepts no responsibility for distress or injury obtained while undertaking this challenge.
  14. These rules are subject to change at any time without notice – please do check back here every once in a while.


As at 5th January 2020

  1. A participant’s family member(s) qualify as first aiders if trained but do not qualify as referees/witnesses to Reaper Challenges that are not held at official events/festivals. If the challenge is not being undertaken at an official event, It is mandatory that at least 2 people known in the chilli community are present to ‘referee’ a L.O.F. Reaper Challenge (who are not family members).
    The two chilli community officials shall be present to witness the challenge from start to finish to authenticate as well as to ensure the safety of the person undertaking the challenge – these could be chilli growers, sauce producers, chilli YouTubers or any other well-regarded and responsible persons within the chilli community. This is to make sure that everything is done correctly, safely and responsibly. We don’t want people to go overboard and risk injury and so the point of having referees/witnesses there will also serve as a preventative measure alongside authenticity.