The League Of Fire started out as a ranking system for people who had entered chilli eating contests and won.

Johnny Scoville’s Tube of Terror
Those contests would normally take place at festivals, with referees and spectators. They were all live events and consequently all the competitions were strictly officiated. Over the course of our first year, chilli-heads around the world started taking on brutal chilli challenges on-line, in front of a video camera and submitting these events to us here at the LOF.
What started out as a small community of fun loving people who enjoyed testing themselves against the burn has grown into a serious extreme sport. Basically, we take this very seriously now! So from now on, we are going to have to be stricter when reviewing the entries submitted into the League Of Fire!
This tutorial is dedicated to the infamous Tube Of Terror challenge, a collaboration between Blazing Foods and Johnny ‘The Savage’ Scoville, created in Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA! This is known to be the toughest peanut chilli challenge on the PLANET! As the great man Johnny Scoville himself says; If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing!
One thing we find heart-breaking here at the LOF HQ is when a brave soul steps up to the plate and attempts a challenge as terrifyingly painful as the mighty Tube Of Terror, but accidentally breaks a rule or incorrectly films the challenge. There are so many people watching LOF challenges now that we receive emails from competitors and viewers informing us when a challenge has failed to follow the guidelines to ensure that every challenge is verifiable.
Unfortunately, people have tried to cheat in the past, so we must be strict. The videos sent to us are evidence of the achievement and there should be no reason for any viewer to contact us and suggest a video has put doubt in their minds!
There is no worse situation for us or you, than when a brave chilli head successfully completes a brutally excruciating and unbelievable challenge worthy or admiration and applause, only for the LOF to have to reject the application because the filming or rules have been accidentally compromised.
There is more detailed info about the Tube Of Terror on the official League Table page. If YOU want to gain your place among the brave souls who have attempted this challenge then please take a couple of moments to watch this tutorial video by our good friend Giovanni ‘Fireman Jif’ D’Aguanno.
This will ensure if you do attempt this challenge you will do so correctly and qualify your achievement in the League Of Fire for all eternity!
Finally, we are phasing in a new rule that should be included for ALL future entries submitted to us. These challenges are REAL! Only the very bravest people can do most of them. Much like any extreme sport there are risks!
So from here on out if you are taking on a League Of Fire challenge, especially one of the tougher ones with the view of it being included in the relevant league table, you must first state on camera that you have read and understood our full disclaimer which can easily be found at
You will need to read out the following statement, clearly into the camera:
“I, (state your full name to the camera), am over 18 years of age, of sound mind and have read & understood the Hot Sauce / Product Disclaimer on the League Of Fire website.
In summary, I accept that the League Of Fire, their suppliers and manufacturers will, under no circumstances, be responsible for, or liable for, any claims of injury or damage arising from me consuming this product or multiples thereof.
I acknowledge and agree to this fact without question.”
Or, if you’d prefer, in French:
“Je, (indiquez votre nom complet à la caméra), j’ai plus de 18 ans, je suis sain d’esprit et j’ai lu et compris la clause de non-responsabilité des Produits Hot Sauce sur le site de League Of Fire.
En résumé, j’accepte que la League Of Fire, ses fournisseurs et fabricants ne soient en aucun cas tenus responsable de toute réclamation pour blessure ou dommage découlant de ma consommation de leurs produits.
Je reconnais et j’accepte ce fait sans aucun doute.”
We understand that will take a bit of time for this to become the norm, but soon it will be a requirement to qualify and we reserve the right not to include challenges without it.
Many thanks to Fireman Jif for his tutorial video. There will be similar helpful videos coming from Jif and others soon.