The L.O.F. Chug Challenge
Expertly crafted by Stephen Dixon from Multi Award-Winning Hot Pods Chilli Products and using Fresh Super Hot Armageddon Chillies from Love My Chillies this #chugchallenge will NOT be an easy task. Each bottle contains approximately 40g of Armageddon Chillies! Put simply, an entrant endeavours to chug as many bottles of L.O.F. Chug Challenge as they possibly can in one sitting without any food or other fluid!
There are 2 chug methods – “Hot Shots” (2 chugs from a clear glass with a 3 min burn time after each chug) or a “Turbo Chug” (downing the lot straight from the bottle with a 4 min burn time). More details about each method along with the L.O.F. points awarded can be found on the product page.
Check out the L.O.F. Chug Challenge League Table.
- Gary Concar – 3 Bottles