Below are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we get asked. If you have any queries please take a look at these first before getting in touch. Hopefully you’ll find what you need here.
How do I join League Of Fire?
Firstly you must create an account. Click this link >>>HERE<<< and fill in your details.
Is there an age limit to join League Of Fire?
Yes, you have to be 18 or over to create an account & submit challenges.
I’ve not created an account but it appears I already have a League Of Fire profile. How come?
Your profile was most likely created by us on the original League Of Fire website using details provided by the old ‘submission’ process, either by you or on behalf of you by someone else. If you have previously purchased items from the League Of Fire shop then we would have since tried to merge your ‘customer’ profile to your new ‘player’ profile. If you remember the email address you would have used you can try the ‘reset password’ option. If, however, you think you might have used different emails for different purchases then the best thing would be to message us at with your ‘player name’ and a link to the current profile that belongs to you. We’ll do some checks and make sure you’re able to login in no time.
I’ve videoed myself doing a League Of Fire Challenge. How do I submit the video?
Firstly make sure you’re logged into League Of Fire. We’ve tried to make things as easy as possible. Find the league table of the challenge you’ve done and click the ‘Submit Challenge’ button. Then fill in the details and click ‘Submit Challenge’ again. Simple.
What details do you require?
The main things are the date of when the challenge took place and the link to the video proof. Other details will depend on the type of challenge you have completed such as the time taken or the number of items consumed.
How are points calculated?
Each challenge will have its own set of rules and own points. The points will automatically be calculated according to the details you enter and reflect on all the corresponding league tables (such as seasonal rankings & all-time rankings). Please be honest when entering challenge details. Videos will be monitored and players entering incorrect details to unfairly boost their points will have their challenges removed and may have their account terminated.
What video platforms can we use as video proof?
We only accept YouTube video links as proof. Simply because it’s universally available and viewers don’t have to be logged in to YouTube to watch the videos. Please ensure videos are published as either ‘Public’ or ‘Unlisted’ (NOT ‘Private’) and that embedding is enabled. If videos are made ‘Private’ at a later date and are therefore unable to be viewed your submission maybe removed. You may also lose your points and standing within the league table!
The best way to submit the YouTube link is to copy/paste – this will avoid any typos. The format should be either or – you’ll know if you’ve done it correctly as preview will appear.
If your challenge begins some way into the video you can jump to this part by adding Minutes & Seconds to the Video Skip Time section.
I don’t have a YouTube channel. What can I do?
Creating a YouTube channel is very simple and there are plenty of tutorials out there to help. If you don’t want to create your own channel and can’t use a friend’s channel we’ll be happy to upload your challenge to the League Of Fire channel. Just send to us via to and we can host it for you. Of course by doing this you confirm you grant us permission to do so!
I’ve submitted my challenge but I don’t see the results.
We know you’re eager but please be patient. Although your points should appear almost instantly on the specific challenge league tables, the All Time Ranking & Seasonal Ranking tables are refreshed by the server every 24 hours around midnight UK time. Please do not submit the same challenge again!
I made a mistake submitting my challenge! What can I do?
Firstly don’t panic! If you’ve entered any incorrect details such as 11 Chugs instead of 1 or the wrong time taken or the wrong date or the wrong video then all you have to do is delete that particular challenge. Just go to your ‘Player Dashboard’ and you’ll see a list of all your challenges. Here you will be able to delete any challenges. This will, of course, remove any points linked to the deleted challenge. Once deleted you can resubmit the challenge with the correct details.
What are the World Community Challenge Championship (WCCC) Rankings?
The World Community Challenge Championship (WCCC) Rankings are calculated by the number of points gained. There are 2 types of ranking: All Time & Seasonal.
What is All Time Ranking?
All time ranking adds up the total points for all your challenges. The more points you’ve gained the higher you will rank.
What is Seasonal Ranking?
Seasonal rankings are based on the points you have gained during a specific season. Much like some sporting events the League Of Fire season run between 1st September to 31st August in any given year. The first season ran between 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021. Challenges taken place prior to 1st September do not count towards any seasonal rankings but still count towards all time ranking.
Milestone Badges
You will automatically receive Badges that will appear on your LOF Player Profile for the following achievements:-
- The Number of Total LOF Points
- The Number of League Tables you’re in
- The Number of Challenges Submitted
Each milestone is represented by a coloured badge – there are currently 8 available starting at Bronze, Silver & Gold, then onto Emerald, Sapphire & Ruby all the way to Diamond & Purple Diamond.
Total LOF Points & Seasonal LOF Points are now only updated automatically once every 24 hours – you will be notified by email and your profile should have updated by the following day.

Badges for #All Time LOF Points

Badges for #League Tables

Badges for #Challenges Submitted
Following Features
You can ‘Follow’ Players & League Tables and so never miss out on a new submissions from your favourite chilli-heads or LOF Challenges.
Just head over to a Player or League Table and click the ‘Follow’ Button at the top of the page. You’ll then receive a notification every time that Player submits a Challenge or when anyone submits a Challenge on a League Table that you’re following. This will be in the form of an email and the new notification bell at the top right of your screen. If you’ve got a World Record on a League Table you might want to keep tabs in case another Player tries to beat it!
You can see who is following you in your account section as well as keep tabs on which tables & players you’re following. You can ‘Unfollow’ Players & League Tables at any time.
I have a challenge item but I don’t see a league table for it. Can I still get points?
You can only obtain League Of Fire points for challenges that have existing league tables. The best thing for you to do is get in touch with challenge producer and ask them to get on board. The more people that ask them, the more likely they’ll want their own league table.
I am a food / sauce producer and have a spicy product that would make a great League Of Fire challenge. How can I make this happen?
The fantastic thing about League Of Fire today is that we can now have the ability to create an almost unlimited number of league tables. This means that as a spicy challenge producer we can create one for you as well. Provided you meet certain criteria (for example you must be a verified food business in your country), and the challenge itself can be undertaken ‘simply’ on camera then you’re part way there. We will need more information about the challenge – (is it a sauce or snack challenge, are there multiples that can be consumed or is it a timed challenge for example and is there a ‘burn’ time afterwards?). We’ll also need to work out the points system too. The key is to MAKE IT SIMPLE! There are some costs involved too but it won’t break the bank and having a league table will most certainly boost sales and increase exposure. Please complete the Challenge Producer Enquiry Form and we’ll get back to you asap.
I don’t want to be in the League Of Fire anymore. Can I close my account?
If you no longer want your fantastic spicy achievements on show anymore then the easiest thing for you to do is delete them from your profile. Just go to the ‘My Submissions Dashboard’ and delete the challenges you no longer want on the tables. If, however, you want your account closed completely please email us at and we can do that for you. Bear in mind if that happens you’ll no longer be able to see past purchases from the shop etc.